Do you own a commercial property? If yes you must be aware that every type of commercial property requires regular maintenance for smooth functionality. The functionality of commercial property maintenance can also help the property owner to safeguard the building’s value.
These buildings are often prone to wear and tear and if the minor damages are not addressed within due course of time, you may have to spend more on its renovation.
Top 4 basic tips for commercial property maintenance
Commercial properties witness a heavy traffic flow and proper maintenance can attach the client’s attention. Creating an excellent first impression is beneficial for the growth of the business and routine commercial property maintenance can help you in that too. Beneath are few points to keep your commercial place organized, clean and appealing:
Consider to carry out routine safety audit: Proper maintaining of the safety mechanisms of the entire property is one of the major aspects of the maintenance system. Along with this, a routine check of the fixture should list as one of the top priorities to avoid any probable accident. Safety fixtures like emergency exit signs, emergency doors, fire detector systems, emergency lighting systems should be in full working condition to avoid any chaos during emergencies. To ensure their good functionality conduct a monthly audit of the safety mechanisms and fixtures.
If required opt for reformation: During the routine checkup you notice that the few parts of the property require remodeling, it’s better to opt for it as soon as possible. Apply fresh paint to the exterior of the building annually or replace ripped carpets, apply a fresh coat of paint on chipped walls or ceilings. Undertaking renovation or remodeling of the property as a part of the commercial property maintenance ensures better durability of the property. Also, it enhances the aesthetic appeal of the building which can attract several potential tenants. Seeking help from a professional only benefit you more.
Get an overview of the energy consumption: Commercial building consumes a significant amount of energy and the energy costs are high in these properties. If you are facing extremely high energy consumption in your property opting for the energy audit is a wise idea. An energy audit should be a part of the regular commercial property maintenance process. Conducting the audit can help you to determine if the energy consumption is high and where you can lower the cost as per your budget. It enables you to address issues like repairing the insulation around doors and windows or replacing window glass or the roof insulation to minimize the energy cost.
Ensure to omit the fire Hazards: While initiating the maintenance process of the commercial building routine monthly checks of the probable fire hazard is a major thing to consider. Fire is the most potentially devastating hazard faces by the business properties. To avoid any emergency fire breaking out ensure to omit all the probable fire hazards all through the property. Maintain a routine observation to identify the probable hazards, notice the smoke detectors and replace the batteries annually as a precautionary measure. Fire extinguishers should be installed on every floor of the building should be and you have to assure that all the exit doors function properly.
Apart from all these tips you also need to keep a check on the backup Generator, maintain the facilities and utilities and take measure for Pest Control. Yearly inspection of the HVAC systems is also vital for a safe, durable, aesthetically appealing commercial building with happy tenants.