A bricklayer should have the basic knowledge to understand the texture and different qualities of bricks and tiles. It is important that he harnesses ideas about the task and has certain experience in the field.
You do not want to hire a worker who builds you a fragile foundation. You must check the background of the person before hiring him for a job to construct the foundation of your building. He should have prior knowledge of mixing gypsum and mortar.
The idea of the ratio of solution to the amount of cement plays a key role in providing a strong adhesion. Hence you should check whether your bricklayer has the following knowledge to qualify for the ascertained job. Let us check out a couple of these criteria

Compilation Of The Characters A Bricklayer Should Possess
● Knows about the safety measures that should be practiced in the field - A responsible bricklayer must take the necessary steps to ensure safety norms at work. For instance, he should be able to handle the machines well. He should also take measures so that no individual is harmed at the construction site.
To avoid casualties and risks of damage, he should practice the norms carefully. He should follow the OSHA regulations and the customary measures to maintain a clean and safe work environment. He may opt for building a barricade so that no one enters the place without permission. He is expected to assist other laborers in ensuring the safety of the workers.
● The idea about trowel - The knowledge about trowel is essential for conducting a bricklaying job. Now he has to apply sharp tools like a trowel or a pointed object to smoothen the edges of the mortar between the adjacent bricks. Trowels are also used for removing the excess mortar after the fixation of the bricks on one another.
Plasters can also be applied with the help of these tools. The job of the bricklayer is to ensure that he knows how to effectively manage the trowel for sealing the foundation and making the walls water-resistant. A bricklayer should know the procedures to perform the following tasks.
● Manage construction projects- These projects deal with repair and reconstruction along with the systematic renovation of a secluded building or an entire estate. The bricklayer should be able to coordinate the project and work with the team diligently. To do so, he needs to learn the ways to decrypt a blueprint or a schematic representation of the building on paper.
The work done by this worker will be the base of the construction work. The brick's alignment and the materials used are crucial here. Their job is to create a perfect structure while referring to the model or a print. Regardless of the size of the building their work needs to be good or else the building will collapse in the near future.
So we may conclude that certain mentioned qualities are expected from a bricklayer who has to work with organizations and a team of constructors. He should have the basic knowledge to face the crises that may arise from time to time.