As the world is gradually recovering from the magnanimous effect of the Coronavirus pandemic, sanitization and healthy habits have been on everyone’s list. Many offices are now open and work is running in full swing. But, what if after such a long break, your office cleaning job has taken a backseat? Worry no more because with a few cleaning essentials and being a bit responsible of your cleanliness, you can make your office a hygienic place to work at.
The System of Office Cleaning Is Mostly of Two Types, In Which the Cleaners are Hired For Cleaning.
The cleaning essentials are provided by the office management and the cleaning services are provided by the agency.
The cleaning essentials and the services, both are provided by the agency.
Office Cleaning Jobs for Different Sections
The most frequented areas such as the reception desk, work area and dining space are publicly accessible spaces where you need to follow daily office cleaning tasks.
Put trash in the bins (better if solid and liquid waste is put in different bins) and get the garbage emptied daily
Get theoffice areas swiped and mopped
Dust the tables and desks; keep the corners where dust accumulates the most, clean as much as possible.
Disinfect high contact surfaces like door knobs and handles, refrigerator and microwave handles, common telephones and switches frequently in a day.
Mop and sweep bathroom floors, keep the glass clean and disinfect the sink, clean toilets and bowls
Stock up sufficient paper towels, tissue, hand wash etc
Use office cleaning liquid to clean kitchen countertops, sink, faucets and racks
Wash dishes daily and dispose off any old or stale dish to avoid germs
Watch out for expiry dates on food items
Keep the refrigerator clean, uncluttered and always ,maintain proper temperature control to keep germs away from the food Office
Office Cleaning Jobs That Should Be Carried Out Weekly
While the above tasks are daily essentials, some tasks can be carried out less regularly as they are more strenuous. If the daily cleaning jobs are done properly, the following tasks will be simple and less messy for the office cleaning staff.
Vacuum the curtains, carpets, floorboards along with the couches and chairs
Properly mop the tiled or hardwood floor. Use cleaning solution to remove germs and wipe with clean sponge or wipe.
Disinfect the desks, tables, shelves, cupboards, racks and other furniture with flat surface.
Wipe the glass doors, windows and other glass surfaces like glass-top tables, vending machines etc.
Get rid of trash bags and disinfect the trash cans by washing them with soap. Dry them and change the liners
Dust the computers and peripherals like mouse, keyboard, CPU, printers etc as these catch significant germs. Also dust the hard surfaces, light fixtures and lamps while office cleaning.
Hire a mechanic for servicing and cleaning the refrigerator, microwave, coffee maker and other kitchen appliances.
Cleaning Outside the Office
Cleaning the office is not only limited to the interior but the exterior and surroundings too because no matter how hygienic you make the indoors, germs and dust can be carried inside. Therefore, make sure that the doormats and seating area are cleaned regularly and replace the mats after a certain period. It is beneficial to incorporate a full-body sanitizer spray mechanism when you consider upgrading the office cleaning services.
Apart from these, there should be proper supply of masks, face coverings and sanitizer for those entering the office. If you are all set to work on your resolution of ‘new year, new me’, cleanliness and hygiene should be on your priority list.